whom the arms cannot tear
the fire cannot burn
Enlightenment is the state where you can stop the running stream of thoughts in your mind and attain the absolute inner stillness, to look inward and merge with your own being. Since my first Guru, Sanjay Salooja, had opened the beautiful windows of life for me, I have always been in hot pursuit of the nectar of life, the true enlightenment that provides one with the real and complete enrichment for the soul. In the last eight years, the journey has changed my destiny and everything else. It culminated into leaving my job, industry, profession and career and I am running on the way of true fulfillment. The transformational whirlpool has tied me down the gutter at days, the emotional and financial roller-coaster have drained us on nights, the uncertainty of life without the fat check we got used to has pushed my wife to the brink of the edge at times, but being of the “never surrender” type, I know I have the strength to achieve any impossible and many times in the past, I have literally survived the hurricanes with the strength of will. Insh allah – be it to your wish.
But the journey does not leave aside the relationships, in fact, it solidifies them to a more enriched state that provides the meaning of the nectar itself. And, like for the one-eyed stag, there remains the risk of pain, of being hurt. It calls for a deep personal strategy of defense - of pain management.
While our mind is completely logical and selfish, in it’s truest form, and does not recognize the need for anyone in your life except for the fleeting moments when you need someone for something, our soul lives on the relationships – with yourself and all others. Here lies the real source of the pain, the slights that can emerge from the lovely fountains – often unexpectedly – sometimes so deep that they are almost palpable, you can almost touch them, embrace them, sleep with them – like your lover, or an enemy – that is only a viewpoint. The ultimate test of a lover is not where she stands at the time of glory and comfort, it is where she stands at the time of the challenge, controversy, pains and the sufferings – the bonfire of the hearts, honeymoon of the fire, blood and death. The most severe pains can often emanate from the place from where you get so much of the magic of fulfillment.
Pain is a vague word and doesn’t really mean anything. While we are pained by a shocking picture of a ghostly Ethiopian child skeleton in search of some water to drink, or the news of a small child being crushed by a speeding bus – even without having the verdict of being cruel and heartless - these are truly superficial. They are transient thoughts taking the form of noise over our stream of communications between our mind and the sub-conscious. A very few of them sometimes manage to leave a mark, which too get obliterated with time. The real pain is always personal, a personal hurt that leaves a wound but that needs more than a medicine to cure. A word of encouragement, a hug, a sorry, a gentle stroke on the arm or a charming smile can do wonders in most times when the hurt is small. Sometime even they fail when the hurt is deep, the wound is grievous and coming from the quarters where you forgetfully left your soul the last time you hugged her, we bleed internally and often silently.
The level of attachment and the level of expectations are the key factors for these intense feelings of hurts. The more we attach ourselves to others, the more we expect from others - be it love, be it kindness, understanding, sacrifice – the more we empower others with the power and the force to hurt us, to disturb us. Only when we go for the extreme “self-care”, love ourselves deeply and truly, we can gain the freedom from the external needs - emotional, physical and psychological, that tries to tie us to the external with a strong bond. And once we get that freedom, you will find it much easier to come to a dialogue with their past behaviour.
You must be responsible for your own feelings and hurts, not only the acts. So long you will put the responsibility of your problems and lacking on others, as long as you will blame others for whatever happen to you, you will remain a victim of the victimisation syndrome and get stuck at that point of your life, unable to ascend or move forward. After years of living through the dark tunnels that used to whisper about never getting out of there alive, after a failed teenage affair that turned sour and nasty, I finally accepted that my hurts have nothing to do with the other. It has all to do with myself. You must release yourself from being angry with others. You must be very inside the bloodbath yet without a spot of the sticky red jelly on your soul.
The love of self has a great part to play in our forgiveness journey. For it is only when we truly love ourselves that we can find an inner sanctuary that gives us the strength and stability to engage with the world without being affected by it. On forgiving, the flow of love within us quickens leading to further growth. Unless we flush out the toxin, run away from that sunset boulevard, an act beautifully portrayed in the film “Jab we met”, we do not get back the freedom, joy and peace as we want them.
It is the curse of human that we are constantly carrying our own crosses on our shoulders. We are born tender and fragile, with a crystal –like disposition that allows the cuts and slashes, bruises and gashes. A physical pain is much easier to manage, because of their tangible character, but not an emotional or psychic one. At first, any pain is acute and without the healing touch or bad management, it may become chronic.
Forgiveness helps us emerge whole from our wounded past, and return to the business of our lives with renewed energy, focus, wisdom and peace. It is the bottleneck, the hell’s crossing, through which we must pass. You must heal yourself, you must let go of the past at a certain point, you must cut the rope when there is no meaning anymore. Freedom demands that you also must be free from the dead. “When you hold resentment toward another you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel”. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.
Your hurts have nothing to do with other, they have to do with you. Your poor boundaries and self-esteem can give others a force over you where they can occupy your inordinate mindscape and control your feelings. And when others can hold your strings and make you dance in a puppet show, you are not free, you are a puppet. J Krishnamurti once told a follower that as long as she was capable of being hurt she was not free of the mind. Eckhart Tolle, my another Guru towards enlightenment, has written “Forgiveness is to offer no resistance to life – to allow life to live through you. The alternatives are pain and suffering. The moment you truly forgive, you have reclaimed your power from the mind. Non-forgiveness is the very nature of the mind.”
When you will cry for more freedom, when you cannot be your best self with others, the dark forces will multiply in a cancerous growth and the power over you will rise, enough to decide your actions, leading to a complete surrender to the forces. Look at it as the will of the almighty, look at it as another test of Him for your strength. If you can win it, you will be rewarded with even more strength. Accept the act and the person, accept the past. Gain strength of mind through patient exercises and snatch back the control of your mind. Then you can stop that stream of thoughts, which is mostly reactive thinking. Then, you will gain back the peace, with the external losing the power to disturb it. Then you get you’re your complete freedom.
Communicate – with your trusted ones. It can tear the shackles and let go of you the crippling paradigm that is tearing into your heart. Find inspiration in the unconditional love you get from some people, particularly your parents and maybe your siblings, spouse, children, relatives, friends etc. This will enable you to transcend the anger that will inevitably rise in the journey of life. A disciple wrote about Swami Chidananda, “Swamiji Maharaj never, ever judged us or found us lacking; never, ever withheld His love from us. He simply radiated blessings towards all, all the time, everywhere, in all conditions”. This is unconditional love. It provides a strength and stability that is rarely found from other sources.
If you give a dying plant the care, water and the sun, life will flourish into that. Forgiving somebody is nurturing yourself. As we grow and embrace the journey towards enlightenment, the growth in consciousness provides us more freedom from the subconscious stream of crippling thoughts. Life is essentially a process and a dialogue with our own inner consciousness allows us to rise and forgive, to let go. Einstein said one cannot solve a problem at the same level of consciousness which gave rise to the problem itself. The inner strength give us the light.
Do not try to escape the pain. It comes through the natural laws of humanity and is like a lighthouse which you can disobey, to your own peril, but cannot break down with your ship. Running away from suffering is in itself suffering, probably to a higher degree as that will take over the subconscious and will drive you from that point. The wiser course is to experience the hurt and the suffering. Then you detach yourself, “Mon Tula nao”, and become your own Lord.
P.S. : I dedicate this piece to Sanjoy Dutta, a dearest friend for nearly three decades, who showed me the light long ago with a phrase “ Mon tuley nao” (trans – detach your soul), in a letter in reply to an emotionally charged description of my life at that time. It means at that point of time, he was ahead of me by those two decades and a lot of pains that I have taken to truly understand it