World’s most expensive item is – you are right, it is a “Wrong decision”.
In an increasingly competitive world, it is quality of thinking that gives an edge—an idea that opens new doors, a technique that solves a problem, or an insight that simply helps make sense of it all.
You are what you think. Whatever you are doing, whatever you feel, whatever you want—all are determined by the quality of your thinking. If your thinking is unrealistic, your thinking will lead to many disappointments. If your thinking is overly pessimistic, it will deny you due recognition of the many things in which you should properly rejoice. if the quality of your life is not what you wish it to be, it is probably because it is tied to the way you think about your life. If you think about it positively, you will feel positive about it. If you think about it negatively, you will feel negative about it
Improving the quality of your thinking will help you achieve your goals and ambitions, make better decisions, and understand where others are trying to influence your thinking. It will help you take charge of what you do in your professional and personal life, how you relate to others, and even what emotions you feel. It's time for you to discover the power and role of thinking in your life. You are capable of achieving more significant professional goals. You can become a better problem solver. You can use power more wisely. You can become less subject to manipulation. You can live a fuller, a more happy and secure life. The choice is yours.
When they look back,
most people feel like if only they did take a few decisions differently, their
lives could have been very different. Yes. Some of the world’s most expensive
items are - “Wrong decisions”.
Our happiness and success depends on clear thinking. But too many of us are compromised by confusion, trying to do too much at once, and not knowing what to do next. Lack of thinking skills often lead to pain and sufferings in life that could have been easily avoided with a little application, of thinking. But thinking is a skill that provides the maximum firepower when it is consciously developed in a proper structured manner with right controls and handles on it’s force. Our arrogantly complacent attitude towards thinking is often misplaced, creating a wrong notion about our effective capability in this area. Many who consider themselves as good thinkers often use only one part of thinking, (usually analysis, judgement and identification) and leaves out the whole creative, generative and productive side of thinking.
To be really creative and innovative, we need to first take
away all the barriers to free thinking. One’s mind must be completely open,
liberal, flexible and dynamic to be truly exceptional. Creativity is an
expression of the stream of thinking. Everybody has creativity but the chance
to bloom, the expressions are not available in most cases as it is not really
nurtured in the right way. But it’s always there, always waiting, always within
every person, only one has to learn how to listen to the frequency and tune
oneself to it.
Thinking is the most basic education required in every step of life, from personal thinking to academics to Business proposes to life situations like relationship handling or office politics, you just cannot escape it. At every step you have to think to make decisions, often critical and crucial ones, to survive, to excel, to be happy and successful. Just as we breath, we think. Intelligent people can think without having to learn to think. Then many others cannot think no matter what they do. Thinking is the most fundamental human skill. It also determines our happiness and our success in life, because we need it to make plans, take initiatives, solve problems, make decisions, open up opportunities and design our way forward. Without this ability we are like a cork floating on a stream with no control on our destiny.
But thinking is also a skill that can be learnt, practiced and developed. It is fun and enjoyable too. Only you have to want to develop that skill. It is like learning how to ride a bicycle or drive a car. Intelligence is like the horsepower of a car, while thinking is like the skill of the car driver. Without learning to think properly, you really cannot use all the power or features of that car nor drive it properly. Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers and get caught in the “intelligence trap”. Many less intelligent people often learn and develop a high degree of skill in thinking. Traditional education in school and college teach only one aspect of thinking, the rest are ignored – leading to a poor state of education where many highly qualified people are poor thinkers and operate at a fraction of their potential.